sbkg & associés Dont le siège est 151 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 – Paris Tél : – Fax :

Directeur de la publication : Vincent Lassalle

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Conception :
Treize Interactif
101 avenue de Villiers
75017 Paris – France

Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 17 97 13
Fax. : +33 (0)1 53 17 97 01
Contact : Pierre ABOUCAYA

Développement :
Treize Cent Treize
101 avenue de Villiers
75017 Paris – France

Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 17 97 13
Fax. : +33 (0)1 53 17 97 01
Contact : Christophe POUJEOL


sbkg & associés advises institutional investors, joint ventures and individual investors in acquisition and sale of real estate and hotels assets, whatever the nature of the operation including the sale of single assets, portfolios, existing buildings, off-plan developments, asset or share deal. The firm’s scope covers all asset classes including housing, offices, retail, warehousing, hotels, rehabilitation clinics, senior homes, and data centers.


sbkg & associés acts as counsel for lenders and borrowers in the setting up of real estate financing.

Asset management

sbkg & associés capitalizes on its expertise in the drawing up and negotiation of sophisticated leases, management agreements and hotel operation contracts to help clients make the most of their asset portfolios.

Development, Construction

sbkg & associés advises and assists clients during construction, development and refurbishment projects of all real estate asset classes.

Dispute resolution and litigation

sbkg & associés advises clients in dealing with real estate disputes and litigation.


sbkg & associés advises institutional investors, groups and listed companies, real estate developers and dealers regarding the acquisition and holding strategy of all kind of real estate assets (offices, retails, logistics, residential, hotels and leisure, health establishments). SBKG advises notably its clients in the tax structuring of their investments on all kind of operations (single asset, portfolio, share deals or asset deals).